To list a single article, you must use the SellService.InsertArticle method. If you set StartDate = null, your article will be live immediately. Otherwise, you will have created a planned article. Then, the start date has to be at least 30 minutes later. This method returns the fees for the listing and the article identifier.
JSON Example
- Content-Type: application/json
- Ricardo-Username: [YOUR TokenCredential]
- Host:
{ "insertArticleParameter": { "AntiforgeryToken": "YOUR ANTIFORGERY TOKEN", "ArticleInformation": { "ArticleConditionId": 0, "ArticleDuration": 14400, "AvailabilityId": 0, "BuyNowPrice": null, "CategoryId": 38875, "Deliveries": [ { "DeliveryCost": 0.0, "DeliveryId": 0, "DeliveryPackageSizeId": 0, "IsDeliveryFree": false } ], "Increment": 1.0, "InitialQuantity": 1, "InternalReferences": [ { "InternalReferenceTypeId": 1, "InternalReferenceValue": "5" } ], "IsCustomerTemplate": false, "IsRelistSoldOut": false, "MainPictureId": 0, "MaxRelistCount": 0, "PaymentConditionIds": "BQ==", "PaymentMethodIds": [ 0 ], "PromotionIds": [ 1 ], "StartDate": null, "StartPrice": 10.0, "TemplateId": null, "WarrantyId": 0 }, "BrandingArticleDetails": null, "Descriptions": [ { "ArticleDescription": "Description of the article", "ArticleSubtitle": "Subtitle of the article", "ArticleTitle": "Title of the article", "DeliveryDescription": "Description of the delivery option", "LanguageId": 2, "PaymentDescription": "Description of the payment method", "WarrantyDescription": "Description of the warranty" } ], "Pictures": [ { "PictureBytes": "the binary content of your image", "PictureExtension": 2, "PictureIndex": 1 } ] } }
SOAP Example
- Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
- Host:
- Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
<s:Envelope xmlns:a="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
<a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1">http://ricardo.contracts/ISellService/CreateArticle</a:Action>
<Security xmlns="">
<Username>YOUR TOKEN</Username>
<CreateArticle xmlns="http://ricardo.contracts">
<insertArticleParameter xmlns:i="">
<AntiforgeryToken>YOUR ANTIFORGERY TOKEN</AntiforgeryToken>
<BuyNowPrice i:nil="true" />
<PaymentMethodIds xmlns:d6p1="">
<StartDate i:nil="true" />
<TemplateId i:nil="true" />
<BrandingArticleDetails xmlns:d5p1="" i:nil="true" />
<ArticleDescription>Description of the article</ArticleDescription>
<ArticleSubtitle>Subtitle of the article</ArticleSubtitle>
<ArticleTitle>Title of the article</ArticleTitle>
<DeliveryDescription>Description of the delivery option</DeliveryDescription>
<PaymentDescription>Description of the payment method</PaymentDescription>
<WarrantyDescription>Description of the warranty</WarrantyDescription>