The article below gives you an overview of all relevant services that are connectable. First of all, you need the Security Service to give you your token credentials in addition to your partnership key. These token credentials are the basis for all the other services.
You will need a partnership key to use the Security Service. If you do not have a key, please apply here. With the Security Service you get the token credential (see Authentication). The token credential is essential to call the other services.
This service presents referential data about the Ricardo system, such as the available languages, list of categories, etc. This service is supposed to be used only by developers who have an anonymous token.
The Article Service presents the methods related to the article, for example the information needed to display an article. This service can be used with an anonymous token.
To use the Customer Service, you need your token credential (see Security Service). The Customer Service allows you to access and manage your generic account settings. Examples are: to modify your password, to archive your messages, etc. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service is to be used for everything that refers to your account as a seller. Examples are: to get all your open articles, to get your sold articles, to get your articles that have not been sold, etc. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service is to be used to manage your articles as a seller. Examples are: list, relist, modify, close an article, etc.. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service is to be used for everything that refers to your account as a buyer. Examples are: see the bids you have placed, get the auctions you have won, get your preferred sellers, etc. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service is to be used to handle your activity as a buyer. For example, you can place a bid or buy immediately an article. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service is to be used for everything related to ratings. Example are: to get different kinds of ratings, to insert a new rating, etc. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service is to be used for mobile purposes only. Examples of the services provided are: you can register a device identifier, store the device preferences, etc. To use this service, you need an identified token.
This service presents all the methods that have to be used to perform a search within our data. Examples are: getting the information about an auction, to get all the articles from a specified seller, etc. This service can be used with an anonymous token.
This service is to be used to retrieve the information specific to a Cars&Bikes article. This service can be used with an anonymous token.